Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another Star Quits Twitter

Whoa. Whoa!

Lily Allen quits Twitter. Not because she finally realized that her technologically-aided disinhibitionistic tendencies were harmful, but because she was faced with an ultimatum from her boyfriend:

"He told Lily: 'It's me or Twitter.' And she chose him."
Well, now. At that point you really don't have much of a choice, because if you choose Twitter, you're essentially saying that people don't matter to you unless they are a faceless mass only capable of short bursts of emotion.

Now, if a third prone-to-oversharing female pop artist quits Twitter, maybe we can actually say Twitter has hit its turning point...

In the most judicious use of Twitter I've seen, Rihanna created an account purely to create buzz around her new single, "Russian Roulette". The brief posts cultivate the air of anticipation that should surround a high-profile release, one that fits well with her image and subject matter.


petpluto said...

Well, now. At that point you really don't have much of a choice, because if you choose Twitter, you're essentially saying that people don't matter to you unless they are a faceless mass only capable of short bursts of emotion.

See, if I twittered (or tweeted) or whatever, if my boyfriend was like, "Me or the tweets", I'd probably go, "Okay, see you". Because that seems like a ridiculous ultimatum, unless the person is addicted to tweeting.

MediaMaven said...

That's the point, Pet. I didn't quote the takeaway line, which was essentially, "I can't spend any time with you because you are always tweeting. I just want to be with YOU, not you and 5000 other people."

There is a point where someone's obsession (be it technologically based or not) gets in the way of relationships.